Friday, August 28, 2020
of agony and ecstasy film pap essays
of distress and euphoria film pap papers THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY The time of Renaissance (1300s-1600s) was the timetable that the sensationalized Michelangelos craftsman way of life. The Renaissance was started by the humanist, researchers who contemplated Greek and Roman writing during medieval occasions. Their conviction was that Classical social orders were unquestionably further developed in science, reasoning, workmanship, and writing. Along these lines, they felt it was their obligation was to assemble this data so as to modernize Europe. The most persuasive Renaissance study was craftsmanship, on the grounds that the Holy Roman Empire saw it as engaging and reasonable, in this manner simpler for the Empire to identify with its kin. Quite a bit of what showed up in Irving Stones personal novel of the life of Michelangelo (1475-1564) was of the creators innovation, however hardly any will question that the craftsman painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel, which is the subject of Carol Reeds film THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY(1965). It follows Michelangelo Buonarroti life from age 13 to his demise at 89, yet manages the five years (1507-1512) during which he painted the Sistine Chapel. Pope Julius II (1443-1513) had charged the work with the expectation that it would fill in as an unfading image of his careful work, which is the wellspring of a progressing war of words between them. Misery and Ecstasy were the words Contessina De Medici (Diane Cilento) used to characterize the connection between Michelangelo (Charlton Heston) and Pope Julius II (Rex Harrison). The desolation is added to Pope Julius backbreaking treatment of Michelangelo, conversely happiness was the consequence of the culmination of his everlasting fi ne art. A record of one of Michelangelos pieces alludes to Julius as a Medusa because of the absence of installment he got for his fine art and the appointing of the Sistine Chapel , which he d ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Voltaires Candide Essay -- Voltaire Candide Essays
Voltaire's Candide All through the novel, Candide, Voltaire over and again misuses the idea of people to believe other's circumstances and ways of life to be better than that of their own. Voltaire utilizes Candide's excursions to depict the human suspicion that the grass is consistently greener on the opposite side. This topic is appeared in Candide's conflict for friendship, his involvement in riches, and his connection with different characters. The circumstances that build up the subject do as such so that the peruser can comprehend and identify with the goals of Candide. The principal component used to pass on the way that Candide takes a gander at others circumstances sees what he might want to have is in his excursion to locate the perfect friend. All through his experiences, Candide happens upon a wide range of men with a wide range of friendship circumstances. For instance, during Candide's time with Count Pococurant, Voltaire shows to the peruser that Candide is dazzled with the tally's two ladies. (118) The awe and wonderment by Candide is replied with a clarification from Count Pococurant that shows that he is content with them, however is getting sick of their essence. (118) Voltaire firmly offers to the peruser with this scene since humanity places male/female friendship as a top need of life. Clinicians have arranged human friendship as one of the most fundamental sociological needs of humankind. This is confounding to Candide's on the grounds that Count Pococurant is unsatisfie...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Apple Inc In Malaysia Economics Essay
Apple Inc In Malaysia Economics Essay This security is a significant thought during circumstances such as the present with regards to work together. It is a piece of any business choices wherein a firm work political scene makes it a perfect stable nation for new undertakings. ( see page ) Malaysia brags one south-east Asia’s most energetic economies, the product of many years of modern development and political security. Its multi-ethnic, multi-strict society incorporates a dominant part Muslim populace in a large portion of its states and a monetarily incredible. ( see page ) The wonder of data sharing is typically connected with social factors past data innovation. A comprehension of data sharing across societies is as yet a significant test and is probably going to be progressively significant as worldwide frameworks are created. Byars, L.( 1991) In some nearby societies the endurance of profoundly serious associations is needy after having competitive innovations. An excellent case of this is Malaysia. ( see page ) The innovation utilized inside the Malaysia has improved significantly this has happened particularly inside the data innovation area with an ever increasing number of individuals being prepared on the best way to utilize these sorts of innovation (see page) Apple Inc as a fruitful organization in the overall market today and the methodologies they applied so as to direct their business easily. On which the investigation subtleties will be founded on. SWOT investigation Corporation which is the quality, shortcoming, opportunity, and dangers. what's more, applied to the issues confronting Apple Inc, incorporate the Porters five powers (see page ) Introductions Perhaps probably the most perception that caught my eye on the planet was the wonder of the open exchange or organized commerce. The easiest meaning of organized commerce is; Trade between countries without defensive traditions levies. It is generally realized that America is the greatest market on the planet. Innovation is the mother of exchange. Where there are a high number of digits in a market, there we see innovation and thriving. Life turns out to be all the more simple and more secure. This makes Tech-Consumptive age; a brief glance at our reusing pin would verification that. After quite a long time after year the innovation of the versatile business has transformed us. We, for instance without being totally mindful of the social change that occurred, turned into a subject of what the market need. Previously, we were the power that lead the market. Presently TV ads, bulletins and media siege are the ones own our checks .( Griffin, 2009) without fail the innovation of the portable business has transformed us. We, for instance without being totally mindful of the social change that occurred, turned into a subject of what the market need. Previously, we were the power that lead the market. As I have referenced previously, innovation is a mind-blowing ace. The world had become little town. Time is the looming expert not the separation any more. This comprise a gigantic change wherever we look. My social relations and how it’s formed is very surprising ten years prior. America and Japan were the greatest labs which used to fill the worldwide market with that bounty of developments. It was G6 then G7 then G8 those are Group of the greatest economies on the planet. This reveals to us that the worldwide economy is boosting so does the individual’s life changes inside.( Scholnick,2009)
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Top Choices of Argumentative Research Paper
Top Choices of Argumentative Research Paper When you are requested to choose a great topic for your argument, start with something you're familiarized with. One of the most critical elements of an argument essay is to ponder and present either side of the problem and undertake a comprehensive evaluation of each. No matter which position you take, it is necessary to consider educated arguments for the opposite positions so you can clearly persuade them to find the validity of your argument. It's possible for you to restate your argument, which is quite a common practice amongst essayists. Whispered Argumentative Research Paper Secrets Tell your husband which you want to hear what's bothering him and that you're not likely to attempt to modify his mind. Pay close attention to all things electronic, and you will be certain to find something debatable of what you see. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. A complete illustration is if a kid comes out of a wealthy family where mom doesn't need to work, and another kid comes out of a single-parent family. Argumentative Research Paper for Dummies Don't forget to re-state why your position is easily the most logical. Through you could present your talent and techniques in front of others. Utilize your present expertise, the information that you have heard before, and clarify your standpoint. You can be certain your point of view is right until you satisfy an individual that thinks that you're completely erroneous. So How About Argumentative Research Paper? You may even go for an available writer to communication panel, which offers an immediate communication between the author and the customer. Not just that, you'll be in a position to understand that how you are able to capture the attraction of the reader by writing on quite a few topics. Rather than sitting vague , it's very good to cash your writing skills. English language classes usually want a lot of writing. The best method is to divide your paper into major divisions and after that think about each option carefully Here are major divisions you're able to speak about in world literature Cultural literature will discuss the studies associated with cultural heritage and environment of distinct nations and countries. Anyway, students should not be disturbed. To write a strong argumentative essay, they should begin by familiarizing themselves with some of the common, and often conflicting, positions on the research topic so that they can write an informed paper. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on distinct views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. You might also want to incorporate a quick discussion of more research that ought to be completed in light of your work. Explain the value of your topic or the info you simply presented. You will be assigned a topic, or your professor will permit you to select your own. There's a quantity of powerful research paper topics for the most intriguing regions of investigation. Without regard to the quantity or variety of research involved, argumentative essays must set a very clear thesis and follow sound reasoning. Below, it is possible to find several ideas for a persuasive essay, which you may use if you prefer. Students that are requested to compose a persuasive essay always have problems while selecting a topic by themselves. Take a look at this argumentative essay infographic! Thus, it's important to read corresponding formatting guide. By now you're probably inclined to find an outstanding argumentative essay outline template. In choosing your topic, it's frequently a good concept to start out with a subject which you already have some familiarity with. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about your preferred topic actually say. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most significant matter to do is to select a topic and an argument that you may really get behind. Make sure the subject of your paper should be somewhat clear and precise. HOW TO DRAFT YOUR THESIS STATEMENT In order to compose a sound thesis, it's first essential to contemplate the topic for a question. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's important to at all times be critically considering the world around us. Take a look at how to think of an essay topic!
Friday, May 15, 2020
Review of Top Grammar-Checking Software
Like everything related to computers and smartphones, grammar-checking software has improved over the last 10 years. However, it still needs be used in an appropriate manner. The software should not be a substitute for your own knowledge of English grammar, but rather a check on it that highlights possible errors. There are two reasons for not solely relying on grammar-checking software. First, it still makes mistakes. The grammar-checker in Microsoft Word, for example, continually tells me I should use â€Å"it’s†instead of â€Å"its†, and vice versa, in cases where the software is clearly in error. Second, English is a rich language and often there are different ways of saying the same thing, usually with slightly different meanings. For example, the Microsoft Word grammar checker continually harasses me when I use the passive voice. While routine use of the passive voice is undesirable, there are times when it is appropriate. For example, if the actor of a sentence is unknown, then the passive voice is usually more efficient and effective. Nevertheless, even the best humans make mistakes, so there is role for grammar checkers to play in writing today. Top Grammar-Checking Software Below is a review of some of the top programs. The list is alphabetical because user preference is often based on subjective features. However, rest assured that these programs are some of the best, with any pros and cons discussed as applicable. CorrectEnglish does a solid job of checking grammar. In testing, it has been found to have problems correctly identifying run-on sentences and pronoun agreement. However, at a cost of $120, it seems to have one deal breaker, at least for some usersâ€â€it requires continuous connection to the Internet. Grammar Expert Plus has the benefit of mirroring Microsoft Word’s grammar function, so if you use Microsoft’s word processor, there won’t be much of a learning curve. It costs about half ($60) as much as some of its competitors, but has also been found to occasionally miss subject-verb agreement and incorrect suggestions for correction. Grammarly is a top-notch grammar-checking program. It also has two features that many users will find valuable. Not only does the software program indicate grammatical errors, it highlights writing that although technically correct, could be better. It also has a grading function that grades the grammar of your writing. The intent is that you can check your grades over time to see if the writing has improved. Drawbacks include cost (about $140) and lack of compatibility with the Mac version of Microsoft Office. PaperRater is a free online tool that does a decent job checking grammar. It also has a couple of additional useful features. First, it checks title to make sure they make sense and are concise like titles should be. It also has a plagiarism checker, which has improved over the last year, after a bumpy start. WhiteSmoke excels at basic grammar coverage but also checks grammar of the language in the context in which it is written. It’s also simple to useâ€â€all the user does is hit the F2 key to analyze the text of his/her document. Drawbacks include the cost ($80-$120) and lack of plagiarism monitor. Writer’s Workbench has top-notch grammar-checking capability, but stands out because it gives lucid but detailed explanations for the grammatical errors it has found. Furthermore, the intent of the software seems to be to help the writer improve with time, not just to relay on automatic acceptance of the program’s recommendations. There are few minor issues. The software only works with Microsoft Word, it takes some time to get comfortable with the interface, and is expensive ($120). Grammar-checking software these days not only reviews grammar, but many programs also help improve writing and check for plagiarism. Nevertheless, a writer’s best tool for flawless grammar is a thorough understanding of it.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analyzing The Companies Microsoft And Apple Using The Swot...
In this essay I will be analyzing the companies Microsoft and Apple using the PESTEL analysis. PESTEL stands for: Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, and Legal. Microsoft and Apple are the two leading brands of the personal computer market. Although they both are highly in demand for essentially the same products, both companies have strategized their business in such a way to advertise their items uniquely. Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Since the start of the company, Microsoft has had it’s fair share of not only successes but problems as well. The United States Government claimed Microsoft violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by providing each new Microsoft customer with a free copy of†¦show more content†¦Social: After Gates took on a less significant role in the company, Microsoft began campaigning more heavily in television advertisements, print ads, and billboards to reach a younger audience. By partnering with Google, the company has created a new image for itself. Rather than just being a product for professionals, they have linked their products with the Android system just as Apple has with the iPhone. (Strickland and Crawford 2014) Technological: Microsoft is the leading alternative to Apple products which many find quite expensive. Many consumers are attracted to Android’s customizable options over the iPhone’s set features. Economic: Microsoft’s stock has been steadily increasing since the dot-com bubble of 2000 with only a small setback in 2009 when the global economic recession hit and the demand for PCs fell. Legal: Microsoft was sued by Apple in 1994 in a highly-publicized case. Apple claimed that they had licensed certain parts of their user interface during the inception of Microsoft 1.0, but Microsoft then turned around and illegally copied aspects that already existed in Apple. Microsoft won the case but not after a lengthy legal battle. (Morgenstern 20 12) Only one year after Microsoft, Apple was founded in 1976 in the garage of Steve Job’s parents in Los Altos, California. Political: Recently their have been many scandals about hackers using Apple technology to access classified information. The situation has grown so dire that Apple Chief
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Eleven Essay Example For Students
Eleven Essay Eleven by Sandra Cisneros, uses many literary devices tocharacterize a complex eleven-year-old. Rachel, theingenuous 1st person narrator, relates the details of herhumiliating eleventh birthday. Although her diction reflectsher age, Rachel conveys the difficulty of growing up withadult precision. She is embarrassed and feels helpless, butknows she will soon be home with her parents, and herterrible day will drift away. Rachels age is given away notonly by the title, but by her word choice. She employsnumerous similes, describing crying like uncontrollablehiccups, drinking milk to fast, and little animal noises. Herconfidence rattles like pennies in a tin Band-Aid Box, andshe is always on the edge of lapsing into another session oftears. However, Rachels diction does not simple betray herage. Descriptions like smells like cottage cheese areinsights into her true personality. She is passionate andcurious, almost to a fault. Because she describes things likerunaway balloons, she is a be lievable eleven-year-old. Firstperson narration reveals though Rachels thoughts are thoseof a typical eleven-year-old her descriptive ability is moremature. Rachel has an uncanny ability to convey her feelings. However, because she is an ingenuous narrator, shesometimes misses the deeper significance of her feelings. Although she twice mentions she is looking forward to cake,her birthday song, and normal birthday things, she does notmention she also needs the comfort of her parents. On theother hand, unlike most older, or mature, people, sheunderstands enough about life experience to know she doesnot have enough. Twice she mentions she would like to havethe experience of someone who is one hundred and two. Ateleven Rachel realizes that with experience comesconfidence, personal strength, and most important to her,knowing what to do in hostile situations. As amazing as thosethoughts are, Rachels most impressive thought is about age. She understands that people display the characteristics of theages they have passed. She understands that although she iseleven, she can still be scared like she is five, or cry like sheis three. What she does not grasp is that people can displaycharacteristics beyond their years. Rachel displays thatadvanced maturity in her thoughts. The only dialogue in thestory is between Rachel and her teacher, Mrs. Price. Everyconversation is the same, Mrs. Price does not listen toRachel and dominates their conversations. Rachel associatesbeing right with being older, so she lets Mrs. Price have herway. Mrs. Price is so dominating Rachel can respond withwhat she calls her four- year-old voice. She stumbles for areply, eventually saying only, Not mine, not mine. Rachel ishelpless and feels sick inside as she is forced to wear thatsweater. So much emphasis is given to what Rachel isthinking, but the dialogue can show her outward personality. Rachel is non-confrontational, timid, and shy. Racheldesperately wants her terrible day to be over. She wants tobe one-hundred and two, because then days like this onewould be far behind. After she is brought to tears andreluctantly she puts on the sweater and even though she didnot have to wear the sweater long, she is changed. Sherealizes facing challenges is at the foundation of experience. Her old self floats away like a balloon. Sandra CisnerossEleven uses point of view, diction, dialogue, and symbolismto characterize an eleven year olds coming of age. Theunique characteristics of an eleven- year-old have allowedher to make important discoveries about growing up. Rachelsurvives her humiliation, and becomes smart eleven. Shefeels smart eleven, and a almost a year sooner than usual. .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 , .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .postImageUrl , .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 , .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751:hover , .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751:visited , .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751:active { border:0!important; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751:active , .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751 .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u100866c7a2e93bad5b264ffbb0051751:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bariatrics As A Discourse Community EssayRachel realizes that people are the sum of their experience. She desperately wants to be one hundred and two, butrealizes that her experience adds up to eleven. Book Reports
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Comparison and Contrast Paper Medieval Characteristics Essay Example
Comparison and Contrast Paper: Medieval Characteristics Essay Prior Expectations Regarding Literary Masterpieces Patsy Baker ENG/106 March 25, 2013 Sandra Rooks Prior Expectations Regarding Literary Masterpieces Literature reveals the soul of a civilization. The manner in which a civilization develops is in direct correlation with the quality and nature of its literature. Literary masterpieces are treasure troves to be read, analyzed, and enjoyed. At first, many ancient masterpieces may seem hard to comprehend for a novice reader; however, the effort exerted to grasp their merit is well worth the result. A Yiddish saying states that life without creativity is existence without joy. Obtaining an understanding and appreciation of successful literature opens the door to learning about the author, the author’s culture, and the necessary elements to emulate the techniques to produce such a masterpiece. Exposure to literary masterpieces began in my high school years. Ontario educational standards required every student to take classes in Greek, Roman, and Norse literature. Learning ancient Greek and Latin enriched my education and understanding of the value of their literature, and studies of the techniques and styles of each genre. Comprehending the nuances of their languages enhanced the comprehension of these masterpieces. Also I learned illiteracy of the general populous was the reason for early writings written in poetic format so it could be sung. Hesiod, Homer, and Virgil were the master-storytellers who used elements such as personification, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and similes to make their stories come alive to the listener; for example, â€Å"The fertile earth being burnt, roared out†¦Ã¢â‚¬ provides an auditory picture of the viciousness of the battle (2008, p. 59). The Theogony†, â€Å"Iliad,†and â€Å"Aeneid†describe the hierarchy and intrigue of the immortals, including their interaction among themselves and with mortals. The style and techniques applied in literary masterpieces should reflect the religion, culture, or historical influences of the author’s life experiences. These elements contribute to the substance of the author’s presentation. For examp le, it would be extremely difficult for the Book of Genesis to be as effective in teaching the creation of mankind if it were written by a person whose religion was polytheistic. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison and Contrast Paper: Medieval Characteristics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison and Contrast Paper: Medieval Characteristics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison and Contrast Paper: Medieval Characteristics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer One of the key theme’s of Genesis is monotheism and that the Supreme Being created all things. Plato’s â€Å"The Apology†could have been incoherent and less effective without his knowledge of the knack of rhetoric learned from such teachers as Socrates. Sophocles understood the suffering of violence from living through the Peloponnesian Wars. Also his setting for â€Å"Oedipus the King†was Colonus, the same town he grew up in. Of note, he is acknowledged as the creator of skenographiascene painting helping to define better the setting for his play. Finally, Sophocles used symbolism for the name of the heroâ€Å"Oidipous†means swollen foot. This name emphasizes the angst of Oedipus who was taunted in his youth. (2008, p. 501). The authenticity of the author’s writing must reflect the author’s life. The reader’s expectation of the author’s purpose for writing the literary masterpiece should not be a determinant for the reader’s expectations of its content. The purpose should become evident upon reading the entire piece. For example, the biblical story of Daniel in the lions’ den inspires courage and faith. The graphic violence in â€Å"Oedipus the King†is disturbing; however, it is thought-provoking. Some literary masterpieces can be painful. For example, reading the Apostle Luke’s description of Jesus’ crucifixion is emotionally painful and haunting; however, it spiritually enlightens the reader. Understanding literary masterpieces may be difficult to comprehend but not boring. Predetermined expectations of the purpose or proper reactions from literary pieces prejudice the reader and should, therefore, be avoided. Enthusiastic high school English teachers and talented Ancient Greek and Latin teachers encouraged my understanding and appreciation of literary masterpieces. Sometimes, it is hard for a teenager to believe the word â€Å"modern†is not always the best, and the word â€Å"ancient†is not always unpalatable. From these encounters, my understanding of cultures, religions, and writing skills expanded. I learned the effectiveness of literary devices such as irony, allegory, onomatopoeia, and satire. The historical time frame of the writing, the cultural aspects of the writer, and historical events within the piece are important aspects in evaluating the quality of literature. If possible, reading literature in its original language helps to increase the appreciation of the quality of its excellence. Finally, reading a piece of literature more than once may enlighten a reader concerning its qualities. Important characteristics of literary masterpieces must focus on artistic excellence, intellectual value, spiritual value, permanence, universal appeal, style, and be thought provoking. No literary piece can stand the test-of-time without these attribu tes. Consider the Torah and the Christian Bible. Their spiritual appeal affects millions of lives. Both have existed throughout the ages. They are thought provoking and have unique styles. The Psalms are well-known and possess all these attributes. For example, Psalms 23 is sung in both Jewish and Christian places of worship. The value of literary masterpieces to the world is immeasurable. There are some important influences of literary masterpieces on modern society. Freud based some of his concepts of psychoanalysis on Sophocles’ character of Oedipus. The Twelve Commandments from the Torah are the basis for civil laws prohibiting murder and theft. Concepts of human kindness and acts of charity are based on Jesus’ teaching in the Four Gospels. Charitable and religious groups practice acts of kindness based on these writings. The aforementioned examples demonstrate the importance of literary masterpieces on modern society. Literature is a window allowing readers to see the personality of a civilization. It is a window to the mores, ideals, creativity, and spiritual heart of a civilization. There is immeasurable cultural and spiritual wealth in literary masterpieces. Although some literary masterpieces are difficult to understand, they are a spring of enlightenment to those who strive to grasp their value. The comprehension and admiration of literary masterpieces is a key to obtaining awareness and comprehension of the value of the writings. This key provides a portal to the world of the author, the civilization, and the tools to create such a work of art. Reference Damrosch, D. , Alliston, A. , Brown, M. , duBois, P. , Hafez, S. , Heise, U. K. , et al (2008). The Longman Anthology of World Literature. New York, NY: Pearson Education Inc.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Blade essays
Blade essays Blade- The Double-edged Sword Between Two Communities Humans subside in a world that thrives on community, society, and relationships. Within each of these categories people function together, believe in the same morals and values, and create their own divisions within these groups. Through excluding certain groups or individuals the society would cease to function, while enabling the community to feel normal and safe in their ideals. In the movie Blade, the human race is unable to grasp the nature of the vampire realm. The people reside in a place where their everyday lives are unscathed by the dark world of the night. The night is an outlet for the vampires to feed, and thrive. Blade is a combination of both human and vampire. This gives him limited access into both worlds, because both groups fear Blade. These communities cannot embrace him because they cannot identify with him. He possesses greater strengths than humans and vampires. He is ultimately feared by both groups, and is not recognizable in either society that he dwells. His only outlet is to help the one race that does not know what kind of man/thing he is. As indicated in this movie, when an individual possesses the defining characteristics of two diverse communities... Blade will inevitably choose the one least threatening to him. Humans live in a sugarcoated world. They like to think of themselves as individuals within a community. The truth is that they are part of a community that makes them feel secure with themselves. Whether it is a country club, a union, or a church, they attach themselves to something to make them who they are. The human race lacks any type of empathy towards anyone outside of his or her group. They cannot relate to outsiders. In the movie Blade, the human race is wearing a blindfold. They cannot see the truth that lurks in the night. They may not be able to accept the truth because it would ...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Environmental Factors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Environmental Factors - Research Paper Example Being a dominant player in the furniture industry, IKEA had assumed its duty of educating and training its workforce so that ethical trade practices and agreements are not ignored. It also educates and trains its supplier base to improve efficiency in operations. Not going by the traditional business practices, IKEA had always tried to differentiate itself through its unique and specific products and its cost leadership. This is achieved through its strategic and collaborative relations with its suppliers who are equivalent partners in profit sharing. It had marketed its products at lesser profit margins in developing and underdeveloped countries that wished to own Western furniture but could not afford. This has made it earn an image of a corporation that believes in equality and possession of products equally. Being a home furnishing brand, IKEA always needed big and spacious locations to arrange for its warehouses and showrooms. As such, it never set up full fledged assembling facilities in any nation. It always went for outsourcing decisions where by the use of skilled and expert people, parts and components were manufactured elsewhere while the assembling task was completed at the destination location. Also it had communicated its product range across nations that match the perceptual structure of the residents. For US citizens, its furniture is stylish and stable, while for China, it is homely and giving a feeling of togetherness. Culture is something that cannot be created. It has to be learned and percolated down to ages. IKEA had been very strategic in weaving a story around itself every time it entered in a new market and aligned its marketing campaign accordingly. It had varied the sensibility of its marketing significantly across varying cultures. For instance, its European advertisements are more straight-forward unlike North-Americans, which are more witty. Cultural differences also arise
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Safety Culture Evaluation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Safety Culture Evaluation - Case Study Example The safety programs are well intent on establishing provisions that ensure the well-being of the company employees. A company that uses this factor is Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). Based on a recent survey, the institution is considered to be the best company to work for (Gustin, 2008). This is attributed to the medical cover that they provide for employees, as well as their children. There is a medical facility in the company premises, which is free of charge for the employees. This safety measure is fundamental, as employees be treated as soon as possible and get back to work. The safety measure is an efficient measure of ensuring the efficiency of the company. It serves that the employees are well assured in terms of safety measures, and if they may have a problem, they can seek medical attention immediately. This reduces the element of wasting valuable working time seeking solutions to a medical problem. These factors prove to improve the efficiency of the company. The establishment of a health facility increases the employee output, as they are motivated to work knowing that they have a medical facility that can ensure that their health is not in danger. Such programs are not common in manufacturing companies, as they are deemed expensive, which may reduce the level of profits that a company will generate. This is because the establishment of a medical facility is a production cost, affecting the level of revenue generated. It is a contributing factor as to why a number of firms, have not invested in a medical facility that can increase the safety measures. Since all firms aim to reduce the cost of operation, several companies will deem a medical facility as a high cost that is not a worthwhile investment. However, it increases the probability of health hazards in the workplace. There are some safety measures, which are established but do not work or do not serve their purpose. An example of such is the fire extinguishers. There
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Comparison and Contrast of The Hobbit Novel and The Hobbit Films Essay Example for Free
Comparison and Contrast of The Hobbit Novel and The Hobbit Films Essay The Hobbit: An unexpected journey and The Hobbit: The desolation of Smaug had a great director; Peter Jackson to keep every original concept that J. R. R. Tolkien would have in mind if he was the one to direct these movies. They kept that its not only about getting Dwarves their homeland back, but the development of a quiet, stay at home and stay safe Hobbit. Most of the characters were well interpreted into the movie like Thorins greed for the Arkenstone, how that is his childhood and the kingdom was balanced on the Arkenstones power. The films kept the same feeling that one would get from reading the novel. A Hobbit on his adventure, there and back again. Though they kept the same feeling, scenes and characters occurred even though they were never included in the novel. Tauriel was a she-elf that created a love triangle between Kili and Legolas. In the book, Kili goes with the other dwarves, entering Smaugs lair. In the film, he gets a injured in the leg by an arrow that becomes infected and hes forced to stay in Laketown with Bard and the others, and Tauriel and Fili his brother. Their deaths will become different from the original story. Also the size of Smaug became enormous compared to the book and J. R. R. Tolkien had his own artwork of the rough size of this dragon and the amount of gold he settled in. The treasure and how much dragon remained under the mountain was blown off the scale. These differences hardly impact the plot, but those are some differences between The Hobbit novel and The Hobbit movies.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
adoption :: essays research papers
adoption adoption, act by which the legal relation of parent and child is created. Adoption was recognized by Roman law but not by common law. Statutes first introduced adoption into U.S. law in the mid-19th cent., and today it is allowed in all states of the United States and in Great Britain. Adoption is generally a judicial proceeding, requiring a hearing before a judge. Adoption statutes usually provide that the consent of the parents or guardian of the childâ€â€and that of the child, if above a certain ageâ€â€must be obtained. An adopted child generally assumes the rights and duties of a natural legitimate child. Similarly, the rights and duties accompanying natural parenthood generally accompany adoptive parenthood (e.g., the right of custody and the obligation of support). The natural parents have no right to control an adopted child, nor have they any duties toward it, but in some states the child does not lose the right to inherit from them. In many cases children are adopted by relatives. Many states now permit adoption by unmarried adults; some allow adoption by homosexual couples. Most adoptions are of the same race. Transracial adoptions are controversial, pitting issues of culture and heritage against the need of a child for a stable parent-child relationship as early in life as possible, regardless of race. The Multiethnic Placement Act (1994) made it illegal for U.S. states to hold up adoptions solely in order to match racial or ethnic background of the child. In adoption by unrelated adults, the courts have traditionally attempted to ease adjustment to the adoptive family and protect the privacy of the (often unwed) mother by maintaining secrecy regarding the child's birth parents. Since the 1970s, however, a growing number of adopted children have attempted to identify their birth parents, and â€Å"open adoption,†in which adoptive and birth parents maintain a relationship, has become more accepted. Questions of parental rights and where these stand vis-à -vis the rights and best interests of the child have also been highlighted in cases in which the courts tranferred custody of adopted or fostered children to birth parents who had previously given them up. Many children are adopted through public or private agencies, but a growing number are adopted through private placement, in which the prospective adoptive parents advertise for or are otherwise put into contact with a birth mother, usually with the help of a lawyer who is familiar with the process and the legal requirements of the individual states.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Love and conflict in Romeo and Juliet Essay
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet shows how love between the Capulet Romeo and Montague Juliet resolves an â€Å"ancient†conflict between the two families. The play was first performed in 1595, the play was Shakespeare’s first tragedy genre. Shakespeare believes the two lovers are bound by fate, â€Å"star-crossed†. We know that the hatred shown between both families is an â€Å"ancient grudge†, and that the rivalry is passed down the family tree. The prologue summarises the whole play in advance, this gives an overview of Romeo and Juliet’s actions. Shakespeare uses different styles of speech to represent social classes in the play. The upper class speak in a more knowledgeable blank verse, while the lower classes speak in prose. A clear example of this is the way the servants at the beginning insult each while speaking in prose, however as soon as soon as more aristocratic people come in, they speak in blank verse. From the start of the play we see the servants of both houses show their dislike to each other. This is one of the major conflicts in the play. Sampson and Gregory are servants of the house of Capulet. The fact that the family rivalry and hatred is present in the low status of a servant, shows how â€Å"The quarrel is between our masters and us their men. †The two Capulet servants show they are low in power as they speak in prose. They use puns as insults, â€Å"I mean, an we’ll be in choler we’ll draw†, as â€Å"choler†also means â€Å"anger†. They argue about their hatred for their enemy, insulting and mocking them in the process. They use sexual innuendo; Sampson says how he will rape the women of Montague, after he has dealt with the men, he will †be cruel to the maids- I will cut off their heads. †Gregory replies â€Å"The heads of the maids? †Sampson then answers his question with â€Å"Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads. †â€Å"maidenheads†meaning virginity. The servants try to denote the Montague servants by referring to them as animals, †A dog of the house of Montague moves me. †Shakespeare inserts dramatic action to the play; he applies it to the fight between the servants that is bound to occur. He achieves this by causing excitement over the argument of the servants, and the intimidation shown to start a fight. The Capulet servants show they have pride and look down on Montague men, but they do not want to start a fight and get the blame for it, â€Å"I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it as they list. †The Capulet servants provoke the other house into fighting, by saying that they are leering them towards a fight, and if they reject they are cowards, â€Å"I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to bear it. †Shakespeare intensifies the dramatic action by showing verbal duelling between the two houses. Montague â€Å"Do you bite your thumb at us sir? †Capulet â€Å"I do bite my thumb sir†Montague â€Å"Do you bite your thumb at us sir? †Capulet â€Å"No sir, I do not bite my thumb at you sir, but I do bite my thumb sir. †This verbal duelling creates suspense to the physical fight, by both houses verbally fighting. Following the servants’ conflict, another conflict occurs between Benvolio and Montague Tybalt. The peacemaker Benvolio comes to the scene to try and resolve the conflict in a non-violent method, while â€Å"the fiery†Tybalt comes only to stir more trouble and fight. Benvolio is seen as a negotiator, he tries to talk to Tybalt to make him stop the fight, â€Å"I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword or manage it to part these men with me. †Benvolio appears mature and sensible, we get the impression that he wishes to avoid any means of conflict and see the household grudge resolved. The â€Å"fiery†Tybalt on the other hand is violent and resents the house of Capulet with intensity. Unlike Benvolio he puts violence over peace, as he compares his hatred to that of hell, â€Å"What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues and thee. †Because of his desire for violence, we see Tybalt as less mature and intelligent as Benvolio. The conflict between Benvolio and Tybalt sees uses of imagery and blank verse language; this shows their high status. Benvolio speaks calmly and peacefully, while he is commanding in his speech. His desperation to try and resolve could be because he likes to be in control, or he feels it is the right thing to do, or he is in fear of his life. His desperation is shown by his imperative tone. â€Å"I do but keep peace. †There is an opposite antithesis as Benvolio is calm in his speech, while Tybalt is argumentative and shows his inner ferocity and anger. â€Å"Have at thee coward! †Both men use their imagery based on fire. Benvolio describes Tybalt as â€Å"fiery†. Tybalt uses his infernal imagery as he shows his Montague hatred, equal to his hatred of hell, hell being a fiery place of evil. â€Å"As I hate hell, all Montagues. †Shakespeare again creates dramatic action in the conflict between Benvolio and Tybalt. The opposite interests of both men create this effect, as one is desperate to fight, while the other is desperate to stop the fight. Benvolio is demanding and desperate to keep peace, â€Å"I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword, or manage it to part these men with me. †Dramatic action for Benvolio is created by his goal to resolve the conflict and search for peace. Tybalt wants to fight with his enemy and has no interest in peace, his violent conscious creates his dramatic action. I will now look into the triple way conflict between the Prince and the two houses. The Prince shows signs of resent to both houses, as they do not keep peace; he calls them â€Å"rebellious subjects,†and â€Å"enemies to peace†. The Prince, like Benvolio wants peace over brawling, he dislikes the way peace has been broken in Verona, where it is his job in his high state of Authority to keep peace and deal with disruptions against laws of Verona. â€Å"Three civil brawls bred of an airy word. By thee, old Capulet, and Montague. Have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets. †As the Prince is the highest in authority, he rightly feels he should be respected by the houses, and the fact that they have again broke his laws and not listened to his warnings makes him believe they do not respect him as they should. This leads to the Prince becoming angry, and causes him to make a final deadly warning, that if any further violent outbreaks occur, lives shall be taken. â€Å"If you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. †As a further punishment, the Prince tells the citizens to be angered of the wrong doing which has taken place, this leads to extra guilt on the houses, â€Å"And made Verona’s ancient citizens Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments. †Looking back at where the families went wrong, they did not show signs of keeping peace, possibly because if a family gives in and backs away from the other, they will look the weaker and more cowardly family, and with the strong pride that is present in both households, it is not a desired option. Capulet â€Å"What is this? Give me my long sword! †Montague â€Å"Thou villain Capulet! Hold me not! Let me go! †The Lords of both family have the same desire to fight as the servants, however this is not the way high class Lords should be acting. The Prince wants to be in control, and proves this by speaking in a commanding and powerful manner. He threatens lives of people that go against his orders, as he requires high amounts of respect because he is so high in authority. The Prince uses rhetorical language to display his anger at the families disobeying his laws and orders, â€Å"Will they not hear? †The Prince uses imagery of fiery blood, to show the houses’ violent rage, â€Å"That quench the fire of your pernicious rage, with purple fountains issuing from your veins. †The families speak angrily as they want to fight, â€Å"Give me my long sword! †Lady Capulet adds comedy to the play as she mocks her husband’s old age, â€Å"A crutch, a crutch! †Lady Montague shows her control over her husband, as she orders him not to get involved in the fight, â€Å"Thou shall not stir one foot to seek a foe. †Both families speak in blank verse to show their high status. The lords’ violent conscious adds dramatic action to the scene, as they immediately want to fight each other, â€Å"My sword I say! Old Montague is come! †Lady Montague adds comedy; this decreases the build up of tension, â€Å"A crutch, a crutch! †Romeo has an internal conflict, as he loves Juliet, but he feels he should hate her, as she is Capulet. The conflict is between his love for her and the traditional rivalry of the houses. â€Å"O dear account, my life is in my foes debt. †Romeo wants to still be loyal to his house, but he wants to love Juliet. He feels guilt when he marries her because he keeps it secret against his family and friends. â€Å"I pray, that thou consent to marry us today! †Romeo is also in fear as he is going against his family and house, â€Å"Ay, so I fear the more is my unrest. †Romeo’s love is so strong, he finally comes to the conclusion that he is ready to give up his name, so he can love Juliet without the guilt of being a Montague, â€Å"Call me but ‘love’ and I’ll be new baptised. Henceforth I never will be Romeo. †This is a big step for Romeo, he is ready to give up his pride and dignity of being a Montague. Romeo speaks in blank verse; this shows he is of a high social status. Romeo is desperate and eccentric in his speech as he is so infatuated with Juliet; he proves this by immediately wanting to kiss Juliet. â€Å"My lips, two blushing pilgrims ready to stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. †He compares Juliet with the shining dominant beauty of the sun, â€Å"what light yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. †He speaks rhetorically about his love, â€Å"Did my heart love till now? †When Romeo first lays eyes on Juliet, he speaks in praise of her as if she is an angel, and is too beautiful for this earth, â€Å"Beauty too rich for use, for Earth too dear. †Romeo then goes on to kiss Juliet, and then comes out with a rather fast decision that he is in love. Dramatic action is then created when his perfect love is spoilt when he discovers she is a Capulet, â€Å"Is she a Capulet? O dear account, my life is in my foes debt. †Dramatic action is then intensified when he decides he will give up his name for Juliet, â€Å"Call me but ‘love’ and I’ll be new baptised. Henceforth I never will be Romeo. †Romeo firstly is in sexually attraction to fellow Montague Roseline, his love is unrequited. â€Å"out of her favour where I am in love. †Romeo is depressed and in despair for he is â€Å"out of her favour†as his love is not being returned. The love is one way. Romeo is so mixed up with his love he is lost in thought, this causes Romeo to lose track of time, as he believes the day is dragging on, â€Å"Ay me sad hours seem long. †Romeo wrongly thinks he is in true love, however his attraction to her is only based on her beauty, â€Å"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sights. †This is courtly love. When Romeo speaks about his false love for Roseline, he shows his state of depression and despair, â€Å"Not having that, that makes them short. †Romeo uses imagery of Cupid to say that Roseline will not fall for his love. â€Å"She’ll not be hit with Cupid’s arrow. †He says she has â€Å"Diane’s whit†as Roseline will not show love back for his unrequited love, and she will not love anyone. Romeo uses oxymoron in his words to show his despair and confusion in his love. â€Å"O heavy lightness. Serious Vanity. †Shakespeare again creates dramatic action in Romeo’s love for Roseline, Romeo’s point of desperation and depression causes this. Romeo is in an illusion by thinking he is in true love while it is truly courtly love, this shows his inexperience in love, this also creates slight humour. â€Å"Why such is love’s transgression. Grieves heavy on my breast. †Romeo passes on his depression in his conversation with Benvolio. Romeo â€Å"Dost thou laugh? †Benvolio â€Å"No coz, I rather weep. †Romeo â€Å"Good heart, at what? †Benvolio â€Å"At thy good heart’s oppression. †The main love in the play is that of Romeo and Juliet. They fall in love at first sight, as they’re both attracted to each other’s beauty. Romeo shows Juliet’s beauty by saying she outshines the brightest torches in the room, â€Å"O she doth teach the torches to burn bright. †Again we see Romeo falling easily to sexual attraction, as he did with Roseline. â€Å"And touching her makes my hand rude. †He considers Juliet a holy object and therefore untouchable. Unlike Roseline, Juliet answers back to Romeo’s love, â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate. †Romeo uses imagery to compare Juliet to the beauty of angels, â€Å"Beauty too rich for use, for Earth too dear. †He again refers to Juliet as holy, as he says his lips are pilgrims that have travelled to her to kiss her holiness, â€Å"My lips, two blushing pilgrims ready to stand. †Romeo uses hyperbole terms to express Juliet’s beauty, â€Å"O she doth teach the torches to burn bright. †Romeo and Juliet’s language is both really for the moment, as they wish for the moment never to end. They are both very lustful, as they both have the same desire to kiss each other. Romeo â€Å"My lips two blushing pilgrims ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. †Juliet â€Å"Then have my lips the sin that they have took. †Both lovers speak in blank verse showing their high role in their houses. Dramatic action is created in the way that both Romeo and Juliet both fall in love at first sight. A big shock for both is when find out they are from rival families. Romeo says, â€Å"My life is in my foes debt. †Juliet shows the same reaction, â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate. †Romeo’s praise of Juliet helps strengthen dramatic action. I believe Shakespeare wrote the play to show the power of love. He shows the dangers and advantages in the play. Because there love was so strong, Romeo and Juliet died and many people were killed. The advantages t this love is obvious, the way their tragic death and love resolves a great conflict between the two houses.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
To Kill A Mockingbird Self Discovery Essay - 821 Words
Eileen Kennedy-Moore once said, â€Å"the path of self discovery is a journey of discovery that is clear only in retrospect, and it’s rarely a straight line.†This quote can define Jeremy Atticus Finch’s experience throughout his time in Maycomb county in To Kill a Mockingbird as a child. I’m the story, Jem and his sister Scout are forced to grow up rather quickly as their father defends a colored man, Tom Robinson, of rape in which the town highly disagrees on. The town does not keep this feeling hidden. As the trial occurs it is clear that Tom is innocent and should be released. The opposite of this happens and Tom is concluded as guilty. Which leads to two highly upset children. Jeremy, who is referred to as Jem, begins as the average†¦show more content†¦Because of this situation, Jem has developed a moral that will stand strong not only because of his father but because he has seen the wrongfulness of the town due to prejudice and racism. Fur thermore, on morals, Jem takes his fathers advice and steps into other people’s places and sees things from their point of view. One example of this would be how Jem comes to the realization that Arthur Radley, the town shut in who is also known as Boo, stays in his home because he wants to. When realizing this, Jem not only creates a moral but also begins to think for himself instead of believing the lies told by the town gossips. In the beginning of the story Jem believes Arthur has stayed in his house all this time because he is forced to. Jem also believes that Boo is insane and has tried to kill his own family. Nonetheless, Jem does step into Arthur’s shoes and see the town from his perspective. By doing this Jem sees the town as a hateful place filled with judge full people and explains it to Scout that Arthur stays inside because he wants too. This actualization of Arthur ensures that Jem uses this technique with many other situations. Continuing, as Jem is see ing things from others point of views, he grows in his maturity which leads to him to act as adult. An example of this is when Scout and Aunt Alexandra, who is very determine to keep a good reputation to the family name, get into an argument regarding theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words  | 121 Pagesoffprint from Gales For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources.  ©1998-2002;  ©2002 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design ® andRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words  | 30 PagesBildungsroman that focus on the growth of an individual. An Entwick lungsroman (development novel) is a story of general growth rather than self-cultivation. An Erziehungsroman (education novel) focuses on training and formal schooling,[citation needed] while a Kà ¼nstlerroman (artist novel) is about the development of an artist and shows a growth of the self.[16] Furthermore, some memoirs and published journals can be regarded as Bildungsroman although being predominantly factual (an example being
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